Yaaaay, my parents bought me a Kitchenaid Artisan for my 18th birthday, is it weird that I'm this excited?
My camera was being a little funny, not quite sure what to do about that… But on to the Tartlets, which were delicious. I don't think I even waited the 20 minutes I was supposed to for them to cool. Oops. My edges were kind of crumby and not quite as straight, but I guess it gives it a bit more of a homemade feel. I couldn't find biscotti at my grocery store, unfortunately, and Second Cup was a little farther than walking distance, so I used little Biscoff cookies instead, and I just kept the chunks a bit bigger. The tart itself was actually fairly simple to make, the only time consuming part was the rolling out and well, chilling.
Don't look too bad though, right? Photo taking skills aren't quite as amazing as some of the other posts I've seen before.
Bye now (: